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Do More Great Work: Stop the Busywork. Start the Work That Matters.


Michael Bungay Stanier


💡 Busywork vs. Great Work
💡 Identifying Great Work opportunities
💡 The impact of Great Work on your career
💡 Overcoming barriers to Great Work
💡 The importance of focus and clarity
💡 Using self-awareness to drive Great Work
💡 Navigating fear and uncertainty
💡 Cultivating resilience in challenging situations
💡 Empowering yourself to do more Great Work
💡 Sustaining momentum and growth in your Great Work practice




"Do More Great Work: Stop the Busywork. Start the Work That Matters." by Michael Bungay Stanier


Busywork vs. Great Work

1. 💥Busywork vs. Great Work💥: 🔄 mundane tasks vs. impactful stuff
2. 💥Spot the Busywork💥: 👀 unnecessary meetings and emails
3. 💥Avoid Busywork💥: 🚫 less productivity, more stress
4. 💥Chase Great Work💥: 🌟 fulfilling tasks = success
5. 💥Gotta Prioritize💥: 🎯 align tasks with goals
6. 💥Kick Obstacles💥: 💪 clear goals, manage distractions
7. 💥Purpose over Busyness💥: 🙌 mindful work = fulfillment
8. 💥Face Challenges💥: 💥 step out, take risks, grow
9. 💥Keep Improving💥: 📈 seek feedback, learn, adapt
10. 💥Take Charge💥: 🚀 prioritize what matters, achieve success

Identifying Great Work opportunities

😎 🌟 Ready to learn about identifying great work opportunities from "Do More Great Work" by Michael Bungay Stanier? Here are 10 awesome points just for you:

1️⃣ Figure out what great work means to YOU! Discover your values, strengths, and dreams to find work that truly matters. 🚀

2️⃣ Focus on tasks that match your strengths! Use your special skills to make a real impact. 🎯

3️⃣ Take on challenges that excite you and make you grow! Step out of your comfort zone to learn and improve. 💪

4️⃣ Do things that bring you joy and fulfillment! Find what energizes you and keeps you excited. 🌈

5️⃣ Think about how your work adds value! See how your efforts make a difference in your team or community. 💡

6️⃣ Keep your long-term goals in mind! Look for opportunities that fit your big picture plans. 🌟

7️⃣ Check your current tasks and goals! Focus on what matters most and let go of things that don't help. 🔄

8️⃣ Team up with others to spot great work chances! Get feedback from pals and learn from different perspectives. 👫

9️⃣ Try new things and find what you love! Stay open to new experiences and keep exploring. 🚀

🔟 Reflect and improve constantly! Fine-tune your approach, stick to your goals, and stay open to new possibilities. 🌟

Remember, by following these tips, you'll be on your way to finding work that matches your dreams and strengths! Stay focused, open-minded, and keep chasing tasks that make a difference. You've got this! 💪✨

The impact of Great Work on your career

🌟 💥Great Work, Great You!💥 🌟

1. 💥Identifying Great Work💥: Spot the gems in your tasks! Knowing what's awesome for you propels your career sky-high! 🚀
2. 💥Focus on Meaningful Contributions💥: Be a game-changer, not just a task-ticker! Make waves that last and rock your career boat! 🌊
3. 💥Productivity & Effectiveness💥: Work smart, not just hard! Ace those tasks that make magic happen! 🎩✨
4. 💥Growth & Development💥: Level up by taking on challenges and diving into the unknown! It's your career playground! 🎮
5. 💥Visibility & Recognition💥: Shine like a star by delivering results that turn heads and earn you your spotlight! 🌟👀
6. 💥Career Advancement💥: Climb that ladder to success with each boss move you make! Let's get that promotion party started! 🎉💼
7. 💥Building a Strong Reputation💥: Be the talk of the town, the one they all look up to! Build your legacy brick by brick! 🧱👑
8. 💥Job Satisfaction & Fulfillment💥: Find your happy dance in work that speaks to your heart and soul! Live your career dream! 💭💼
9. 💥Inspiring Others💥: Lead the charge, inspire change, and be the hero of your career story! They'll follow your greatness trail! 🦸‍♂️🚶‍♀️
10. 💥Creating a Lasting Legacy💥: Be the legend that shapes the future, leaving waves that echo for generations! Your career, your legacy! 👩‍💼🌟

Let's kick busywork to the curb and start the real deal - Work That Matters! Dive into greatness and watch your career soar high! 🚀💫

Overcoming barriers to Great Work

😎 🌟 Ready to unlock your potential and conquer those barriers to great work? Here are 10 awesome tips from "Do More Great Work" by Michael Bungay Stanier:

1. 🎯 Identify Your "Great Work" Goal
2. 🚫 Recognize Busywork Patterns
3. 💭 Reflect on Your Values and Purpose
4. 🌟 Challenge Comfort Zones
5. 🎨 Embrace Creativity and Innovation
6. 🤝 Seek Feedback and Support
7. 🧘‍♀️ Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care
8. 🛑 Set Boundaries and Prioritize Tasks
9. 💪 Develop Resilience and Persistence
10. 🎉 Celebrate Achievements and Progress

Get ready to crush those barriers and start doing work that truly matters! 😎💼 Let's go! 🚀

The importance of focus and clarity

😎 🌟 Here are 10 super important tips from "Do More Great Work" by Michael Bungay Stanier to help you stay focused and clear on what matters:

1. 🎯 Define Your Goals: Set clear objectives before starting any task.

2. 📝 Prioritize: Focus on tasks with the most impact first.

3. 🚫 Eliminate Distractions: Say no to things that take away your focus.

4. 🧩 Break It Down: Large tasks? Break 'em into smaller steps for clarity.

5. ⏰ Set Boundaries: Protect your time and energy for what's important.

6. 🗺️ Make a Plan: Have a clear roadmap of what you need to do.

7. 🧘‍♀️ Be Mindful: Try mindfulness techniques to improve focus.

8. 💬 Communicate Clearly: Clear communication avoids misunderstandings.

9. 🔄 Reflect on Progress: Celebrate wins, learn from mistakes, and adjust as needed.

10. 🌱 Embrace Growth: Always be open to learning and improving.

By following these tips, you'll be on track to do more awesome work that makes a difference in your life and beyond! 🚀

Using self-awareness to drive Great Work

😎 🌟 Want to level up your work game and focus on what really matters? Check out these awesome tips from "Do More Great Work" that are all about using self-awareness to crush it:

1. Find Your Great Work: 💪 Figure out what tasks are important vs. just keeping you busy.

2. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses: 🙌 Recognize what you're good at and areas for improvement.

3. Set Clear Goals: 🎯 Define your objectives to stay on track and succeed.

4. Identify Your Triggers: 👀 Notice what sets off positive or negative vibes in you.

5. Embrace Feedback: 🌟 Be open to feedback to grow and get better.

6. Manage Your Energy: ⚡️ Learn when you're most productive to tackle your important tasks.

7. Practice Mindfulness: 🧘‍♀️ Stay focused and intentional in your work routine.

8. Reflect on Your Progress: 🚀 Celebrate wins, learn from challenges, and keep moving forward.

9. Build Self-Confidence: 💪 Believe in yourself and your abilities to take on new challenges.

10. Practice Self-Care: 🌸 Take care of yourself to stay motivated, creative, and resilient.

By following these tips, you'll be on your way to rock your work, grow personally, and achieve awesome results. Let self-awareness be your superpower as you slay your professional journey! 🌟 #YouGotThis

Navigating fear and uncertainty

Title: 10 Key Points on Navigating Fear and Uncertainty from "Do More Great Work: Stop the Busywork. Start the Work That Matters."

Navigating fear and uncertainty can be daunting, but it is an essential skill in pursuing meaningful work and personal growth. In Michael Bungay Stanier's book, "Do More Great Work," he provides insightful guidance on how to stop the cycle of busywork and start focusing on what truly matters. Here are 10 key points from the book that will help you navigate fear and uncertainty:

1. Embrace discomfort: Stanier emphasizes the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone to confront fear and uncertainty. Embracing discomfort is a critical first step in overcoming these challenges and unlocking your true potential.

2. Identify limiting beliefs: Fear and uncertainty often stem from limiting beliefs about yourself and your abilities. Stanier encourages readers to identify and challenge these beliefs, replacing them with empowering thoughts that support growth and resilience.

3. Practice self-awareness: Developing self-awareness is crucial in navigating fear and uncertainty. By understanding your emotions, triggers, and patterns of behavior, you can better manage difficult situations and make informed decisions.

4. Cultivate resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change. Stanier suggests cultivating resilience through mindfulness practices, self-care routines, and a growth mindset that views challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

5. Seek support: When facing fear and uncertainty, it's essential to seek support from trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can provide perspective, encouragement, and practical advice to help you navigate difficult times.

6. Take small, intentional steps: Instead of letting fear and uncertainty paralyze you, Stanier advises taking small, intentional steps towards your goals. By breaking down daunting tasks into manageable actions, you build momentum and confidence to tackle bigger challenges.

7. Embrace curiosity: Curiosity is a powerful antidote to fear and uncertainty. Stanier encourages readers to approach challenges with a curious mindset, asking questions, seeking new perspectives, and exploring innovative solutions to problems.

8. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is a transformative practice that can help you navigate fear and uncertainty with clarity and composure. Stanier recommends incorporating mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or grounding exercises into your daily routine to stay present and centered.

9. Embrace imperfection: Perfectionism fuels fear and uncertainty by setting unrealistic standards and expectations. Stanier advocates embracing imperfection as a natural part of the creative process, allowing room for mistakes, experimentation, and growth along the way.

10. Trust the process: Finally, Stanier reminds readers to trust the process of navigating fear and uncertainty. By staying patient, resilient, and committed to your goals, you can overcome obstacles, learn valuable lessons, and ultimately grow stronger through the journey.

Navigating fear and uncertainty is a transformative journey that requires courage, resilience, and self-awareness. By following these 10 key points from Michael Bungay Stanier's book, "Do More Great Work," you can develop the skills and mindset needed to confront challenges, pursue meaningful work, and embrace a life of purpose and fulfillment. Remember, fear and uncertainty are not obstacles to be feared but opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Embrace the journey, trust in yourself, and start doing the great work that truly matters.

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